Get To Know Your New Neighbors


When moving into a new neighborhood, it’s important to get to know your new neighborhoods. Whether you are shy or outgoing, there are a few tips that can help you make connections with people in your new community.

Knock, knock – For an extrovert, walking over to a neighbor’s home to say hello may feel like a no-brainer. But for more reserved personalities, this tried-and-true method usually requires a bit of a warm up. Start with a friendly wave as you drive by, then work your way up to a face-to-face introduction. Remember, timing is everything. Try to catch them when they’re already outside, or aim for a weekend afternoon when everyone is much more likely to be relaxed and open to a friendly chat.

Snail mail – In this age of electronic communication, a nice hand-written note can be a welcome surprise. Introduce yourself and even include an invite for them to come over for a cup of coffee or cocktail at their convenience. Be sure to personalize each note with a conversation starter!

Magic school bus – If you’ve got school aged children, accompany them at the bus stop for the first few days of class. You’ll likely run into one parent who can fill you in on the neighborhood and school happenings. Exchange contact information and invite the family over for some weekend fun.

Man’s best friend – Our pets are often the friendliest members of the family! Let your four-legged companion break the ice for you. Dog parks are a natural spot for meeting new friends. You can also meet fellow pet lovers while walking the dog through your neighborhood.

Turn the page – Book clubs are just as much about socializing as they are about reading. Check out your library or local bookstore for groups near you, or you can find one online.


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