- Spray paint was invented in Chicago in 1949.
- Chicago River is the only river in the world that flows backward.
- Chicago is home to Lincoln Park Zoo, one of the world’s last free zoos.
- The Art Institute of Chicago holds the largest collection of Impressionist paintings outside the Louvre in Paris.
- The first blood bank in the United States was created in Chicago in 1937.
- Chicago’s Western Avenue is the world’s longest continuous street, at 23.5 miles.
- Chicago is home to the world’s largest free outdoor food festival, the Taste of Chicago.
- An average of 35 million visitors flock to Chicago each year.
- The Chicago Public Library was created directly from the ashes of the great Chicago Fire in 1873.
- Chicago was technically the birthplace of soap operas.
- Shedd Aquarium is home to the oldest aquatic animal in a public aquarium in the world, an Australian lungfish named Granddad, who is at least 85 years old.
- The first Playboy Mansion was in Chicago.
- And Hugh Hefner started the publication of Playboy in Chicago in 1953.
- The zipper was invented in Chicago in 1851.
- The Ferris wheel was also invented in Chicago in 1893.
- Ebony magazine began publication in Chicago in 1945.
- The Twinkie was invented in Chicago in 1930.
- Chicago resident Jane Addams, founder of the Hull House, was the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.
- The movie I-Robot was filmed in Chicago.
- And Gotham City from Batman was based largely off of Chicago.
- In fact, Gotham City license plates were designed to look like Illinois plates so that they would be consistent with other plates while filming car-chase scenes in the city.
- The first all-color TV station made its debut in Chicago in 1956.
- The vacuum cleaner was invented in Chicago in 1868.
- Chicago invented the deep-dish pizza.
- And Chicago is the home of the first black president of the United States, Barack Obama
- Four states are visible from the top of the Willis Tower(Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin).
- The first televised U.S. presidential debate was broadcast from Chicago’s CBS Studios on Sept. 26, 1960, between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon.
- Chicago is home to 552 parks.
- Chicago has 15 miles of bathing beaches.
- Chicago is home to 11 Fortune 500 companies.
- Historic Route 66 began in Chicago.
- Walt Disney was born in Chicago.
- In 1885, Chicago became home to the first skyscraper, the Home Insurance Building, which was originally nine stories tall.
- In 1779, Jean Baptiste Point du Sable, a Haitian immigrant, built the first permanent settlement in what would be Chicago near the present Michigan Avenue Bridge on the north bank.
- The four stars on the Chicago flag represent Fort Dearborn, the Chicago fire, the World’s Columbian Exposition, and the Century of Progress Exposition.
- Nancy Green, the first spokesperson for Aunt Jemima syrup, was introduced to the public for the first time in Chicago.
- The first animal purchased for the Lincoln Park Zoo was a bear cub, bought for $10 in 1874.
- Pabst Blue Ribbon beer (PBR) was first introduced during the 1893 Colombian Exposition, also known as the 1893 World’s Fair, which was held in Chicago.
- Cracker Jacks were also introduced during the 1893 Chicago fair.
- In 1895, the first automobile race ever seen in the United States was held in Chicago.
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- The first Rotary Clubin America was founded in Chicago.
- Chicago is known as the home of baton twirling.This is because the first baton-twirling contest was held as part of the Chicagoland Music Festival in 1935.
- The Wrigley Building was the first air-conditioned office building.
- The first McDonald’s franchise restaurant, owned by Ray Kroc, opened in the Chicago suburb of Des Plaines in 1955.
- The longest MLB gameto ever be played was in 1984 at Comiskey Park in Chicago. Chicago White Sox defeated the Milwaukee Brewers after 25 innings.
- Chicago inventor Martin Cooper invented the first cell phone.
- In 1924, the first gay rights group in the U.S.was created in Chicago.
- The first form of softballwas invented in Chicago.
- In 1893, the first open heart surgeryin the United States was performed in Chicago.
- In 1960, the first Playboy Clubto feature bunnies opened in Chicago.