If you’ve decided to build your home from the ground up, determining which extra features are worth adding – and which are equivalent to flushing stacks of hundreds down the toilet – can be tough. And while its OK to put off some decisions, certain additions are prohibitively costly to retrofit. You’re dreaming of radiant heating? It’s way better to install now than sacrifice thousands of dollars later.
Not sure what’s a must-do right now? Here are some of the easiest things to add to a new home.
Cable conduits
In today’s increasingly connected world, future-proofing your home for whatever innovations come next out of Silicon Valley is essential. Luckily, building from scratch allows you to customize your setup to your needs, both now and later. Smart home features are increasingly going wireless, but that doesn’t mean you should skip running cable conduits throughout your house – especially if you see a big home theater or full-home sound system in your future, both of which work best plugged in directly. Adding an extensive system of cable conduits can make hooking up entertainment much simplier.
Radiant heating
As indicated earlier, radiant heating, typically integrated into the floor, is energy efficient and but not remotely cheap to install. You can expect to pay at least 6$ per foot for your system in new construction. If you decide to add it later, that number will double. It isn’t for everyone. Consider confining it to one room, because it actually can be a limiting factor in future design changes, since the contractor will need to work around it or replace it by zones.
Outdoor outlets
Holiday lights or evening barbecues in the backyard might seem like a little more than a distant fantasy when building your new home – especially if it’s 20 degrees outside – but if you’re big on decorating and entertaining, install outdoor electrical outlets now. Adding outlets later could cost upward of $250 each.
You never know what the future might bring – for you or for your guests. Double check your plans through the eyes of someone bound to a wheelchair, and ask if it is still user-friendly. Make the investment in your future well-being now, when it’s just a minor expense. Accessibility is important to plenty of buyers as well. It can actually clinch a deal.
Central vacuums
These built-in systems for sucking up dirt and debris not only reduce allergens, they also last longer than traditional vacuums and can potentially increase a home’s value. Installing one in an old home can cost up to $1,000 and requires finding a hidden, quiet spot for the motor in the garage or attic. The addition later on results in needlessly long pipe runs or less than ideal positioning of inlets. If a smooth, stress-free vacuuming experience is a high priority, your best bet is to install central vacuuming early, when your builder or architect can work it into your existing floor plan.
When you’re building a home, why not take steps to reduce its impact on the environment? During construction is the ideal time to install energy-efficient features that will save you money down the line. Add reduced flow showers, low flush toilets and reduced flow faucet aerators, especially if you live in a state affected by drought. Make sure to choose windows and doors with high energy performance ratings, and talk with your builder or architect about adding skylights – which can add much need light to a dark room in addition to reducing heating costs and improving ventilation.
Think : Are you building the home you want now or the home that will serve you well for 20 years? In new construction, future proofing your house can save you thousands of dollars.