Ah, country living – fresh air, wide open spaces, a slower pace of life. What’s not to love? Yet in spite of all those vast acres just waiting for homeowners to stake a claim, country folks are a diminishing breed.
Recent UN statistics predict that the percentage of Americans living in rural areas will plummet from its current 46% to 34% by 2050. This is largely tied to following the money (job opportunities), but those who do commit to life in the country will reap plenty of scientifically proven benefits.
Check out these reasons why country living is great :
More “vitamin G” – Vitamin G stands for greenery (trees and plants), which the country has plenty of. They aren’t just pretty, but they come with serious benefits that science is just beginning to understand. Studies have shown that when people are deprived of greenery, they can suffer in a variety of significant ways. There’s also air quality : people living around more trees and grass generally experience lower levels of air pollution.
Fewer psychological problems – Feeling like the city is making you crazy? It actually might be. Studies have shown that people in urban areas are more likely to develop psychiatric disorders. Additional studies have shown that rural residents are less likely to have anxiety disorders. The same study found that green environments can also relieve sadness and depression. That’s definitely something to smile about!
You’re less likely to get mugged – According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, violent crime rates in rural areas are nearly one-third lower than those in urban centers. In 2012, the rate of violent victimizations reported in metropolitan areas was 3.2%, as opposed to 2.1% in rural areas. But, it’s worth noting that country dwellers should install home security systems due to isolation and space between properties.
You’re more likely to own your home – Most people dream of owning their own home someday rather than renting, and it seems that possibility gets exponentially higher the farther into the country one is willing to venture. Recent National Central Bureau Statistics show that homeownership is higher in states with more rural communities. There is no doubt that home owners get more for their money when they move to rural locations.
Lower cost of living – Many people cite a lower cost of living as a reason for making a rural move, and there’s an undisputed truth to this argument. Research from the International Regional Science Review found that the average urban resident pays 6% more for housing, utilities, transportation, health care, groceries and miscellaneous goods and services with the greatest difference (13%) occurring in housing costs. It is no secret that living outside the city is more economical on many levels. It can also be great for raising a family.