Spring is all about rebirth, about setting the sunlight back in and about trying something new. Now’s your chance to do something in just a few small steps. Create a space that screams spring with these 10 easy designer tips.
Pack up the dark tones and try new colors
If you’re looking for an easy way to transition your home for warm weather, here it is. When we start to see more sunlight, pack up the dark tones heavy accessories and rearrange everything to increase openness and air circulation. Swap in lighter or neutral tones to give your home an open, airy feel. Spring is a great time to bring new colors into your home, especially if you’ve already got white or neutral walls. Bring in fresh colors such as mint, blush pinks, grays and lighter greens. Combine colors with warm metals (think rose and antique golds) to create a cozy, fresh space. Not sure where to integrate these changes? Think small: throw pillows, blankets and bookshelf accessories.
Update your entryway
Your front door is the first thing visitors see – so you’ll want to make it pop. Change your welcome mat, door wreath and porch accessories each season. That doesn’t mean that they have to be covered in pastels and Easter eggs, but a timeless spring look can go a long way. Don’t forget to clean, too. Remove the layers of snow-tracked dirt and silt built up on your porch and give your patio furniture a thorough wipe down.
Switch to sheers
As a general rule, you should build your drapery in layers, with heavy panels on the top and light sheers against the windows. Now that springs here, it’s an excellent time to take down those dark, heavy panels for a thorough cleaning. Doing so creates a “spare, open feel,” allowing light to filter through the gauzy fabric to illuminate your entire room in a soft glow. While you’re at it, swap out any textural or embellished fabrics or pillows for lighter fabrics such as linen. If your room gets direct sunlight during a part of the day, don’t feel like you have to suffer the high beams just for the sake of an “airy” feel. Consider swapping in neutral-colors panels to protect your eyes.
Go minimal
You need fewer accessories in spring. With nothing much to see outside in winter, it’s worth building visual interest with various kickbacks. But now that you’re letting in more light it’s time to declutter. Change out heavy, solid accessories like vases for taller, slender ones like beautiful candlesticks. On your walls, she recommends selecting lighter-colored frames for your art and mirrors – think antique gold or silver instead of dark woods.
Clean the windows, inside and out
You already know : Spring cleaning is so refreshing and feels great once you actually do it. But, there is an important step that many people forget : clean the exterior of your windows, too.
Buy seasonal bedding
Don’t just clean your bedding for spring. Consider getting an all-new to bring new life to your bedroom for the season – something bright, light and airy. And it’s not just aesthetic : a lighter-weight duvet helps prevent the night sweats as the temperature rises. Bedding, accent throws and pillows should all be changed for the seasons and temperature changes. It’s relatively inexpensive and easy to store when out of season.
Add mirrors and sparkle
You don’t have to go full-on glitz and glamour, but adding reflective elements can bring sunlight into hard to reach places, making even the darkest room feel bright and fresh.
Welcome the outdoors
Sure, you could head to the backyard if you’re eager for sunlight and greenery, but why not bring the outside in? In addition to flowers and plants that can survive indoors, use natural fibers such as jute and seagrass. You can also get your green on by framing artwork and photos of natural landscapes.
Update your gallery walls
Looking for a simple fix to make your space feel brand new? Look at your walls – how long has the artwork been in that exact arrangement? Try something new. You don’t have to change every bit of artwork you own, but taking time to rearrange one of your gallery walls can make a huge difference in the aura of the room.
Get an HVAC checkup
This last one isn’t about your home design, but it’s what’s on the inside that counts, right? Before switching on your air conditioner for the first time since last August, make sure your HVAC system is up to snuff after a long winter of heating. At the very least, replace your filter. It’s also a good idea to get a full checkup for the system to make sure everything is working properly. Not only will this make the air feel fresher, it also can save you money on your energy bills.