What Makes A Happy Home


Home – the word that conjures up all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings. But you’ve surely noticed that some people’s houses feel more homey than others. They say you can’t put happiness in a bottle but recent research reveals plenty of ways to boost joy based on where you buy, how you renovate and a bunch of other factors you may never have considered. Get clued in with these secrets to home happiness.

It doesn’t matter if you buy or rent – If you’re under the impress that homeowners are happier than renters, here’s a reality check : A study by the University of Pennsylvania found that both groups have about equal levels of emotional levels of well-being. Researchers theorize it’s because whatever home joy homeownership brings is cancelled out by the extra time homeowners have to spend on maintenance, from fixing leaky faucets to cleaning gutters. Renters on the other hand, get to spend more time doing leisure activities.

Long commutes are a mood killer – According to recent data from the Office of National Statistics, long commutes can chip away at our contentment levels. So, how long is too long? If it’s under 15 minutes, your golden but over 15, commuters get anxious. Over an hour, and you are seriously depressed. So try your best to stay away from the hour mark to avoid any extra stress.

Paint your walls green or yellow – A study found that green and yellow evoked the most feelings of happiness. Green gives a feeling of comfort and serenity, so it’s an ideal choice for a bedroom while yellow brings out creativity and playfulness, so you might consider that tone for a play room.

Understand the true cost of clutter – MESS = STRESS ; Clutter definitely costs you both emotionally and financially. A short term solution is to pack up cluttered stuff into boxes and pay to have them put in storage. That way when you see the actual amount of what the clutter is costing you, you are likely to take action and unload.

Stop putting off renovations – Have you been longing to redo your kitchen or overhaul your bathroom? Well, the longer you wait, the more it can mess with your peace of mind. The more “undone” the home was perceived to be, the less happy its owners were – not only with themselves, but also with their spouse. So don’t just keep telling yourself that you’ll get to those home projects “someday”. You’ll get not just a new bathtub, but also a happier relationship to boot.

Pay off as much as you can – It can take years to pay off a home, but those who do will be richly rewarded. People without mortgages have the happiest homes. Of course, living mortgage free is easier said than done. Luckily, paying down a home loan is the next best thing, so don’t be surprised if your mood rises as your debt dwindles.

Know your neighbors – Part of a happy home life extends to what’s going on beyond your walls. Relationships with neighbors was crucial to a sense of well-being. People should make it part of their routine to cultivate a sense of neighborhood. This is missing nowadays, especially in large urban centers where people tend to isolate from one another. So go ahead and strike up conversations with locals you encounter rather than just smile, nod and move on; or consider organizing something to create a sense of community. Because when it comes to happiness at home, it just might take a village.

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